Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Well-travelled hedgehog “Garmin”

Having clocked up almost as many miles between the Isle of Man and Dorohoi as Ruth and Chris, I decided it was my turn to write the “blog”. Garmin is my name and I first went to Romania in 2003. I was named after the “garmin” satnav which they used me to cover when they left the van.
They were supposed to give me to away in Romania but having been squashed and dropped in mud and snow I ended up back on the island and became a travelling companion for future road trips. I reckon by now I have done 17 return journeys with Ruth and Chris, going with them each time except the summer of 2009 when they FORGOT me! And as you can see on the photo I now have an angel to keep me company.
We got back to Dorohoi this morning and spent a few hours unloading the Pajero. As trips go this one was fairly uneventful, the usual 2 boat trip and 2000 miles of driving.
 St Mary Magdalen Parish Church Geddington
At least this time I had a good view, I thought we were full as we left the island, but I was even more squashed after we had collected other items on the way. Paper, crayons, baby clothes from Kathryn, Stew and Noah, T-shirts from Pat, children’s clothes from Nic, Gary, Eoghan & Liam, lovely knitted blankets from the fellowship group at Geddington Parish church and shoes, clothes, chocolates and toiletries from our friends at the Anker Hotel.
It was a bit of a shock when a stone hit the windscreen in Germany, leaving a crack which will need repairing at a later date. Also I was rather surprised to see flashing lights on the floor on the driver’s side of the car, but Ruth was sure it was due to Chris’s fast cornering up and down the mountains.
It is already turning cold here and there was only a dusting of snow over the Romanian mountains and so far it has only been as cold as -3C but I am pretty sure it was even colder in the car overnight.
Ruth says please continue to pray for Cosmin who is now in intensive care at Iasi hospital, following his oesophageal haemorrhage on Sunday. He has been visited each day by friends who live in Iasi and today our friend Helen went to see him (3 hours each way by bus). She was able to take medication which he needed urgently and which the hospital was unable to provide.
see link to a pray for Cosmin page set up by one of our Romanian friends Miki.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


It has been wondeful to be back on the island for a few weeks. We have thoroughly enjoyed having time with our family and spent lots of time getting to know our adorable grandson James. We have also given a number of talks about our lives in Romania and collected many items which we will be taking back with us or which have been packed and are ready to be sent out later.

Our Pajero has been serviced, cleaned and has new set of mud and snow tyres. It is now just about full, though I do still have a pile of bags which I hope to squeeze in.

The forecast for our drive across europe is looking good, though minus 7C is forecast for our first week back in Romania.

Thank you to everyone for your prayers, contributions, support and encouragement.

Please continue to pray for Cosmin, he and his mother came home from hospital in Iasi yesterday (though it was a long journey as the train broke down so the normal 3 hour trip took 6 hours. He is very happy to be home and is in good spirits. He will return for his final chemotherapy session in a few weeks.