Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A busy week

Time here is flying past as usual. Carl a visiting fire officer from UK, is with us for a week on a scoping mission to see if they are able to provide any help with equipment & training. Yesterday we drove around the north of the county, taking notice of what (or should i say what NOT) was available. Today we had a very productive & interesting 3 hour long meeting with the County fire chief.

We are in the midst of Christmas shoe box deliveries, and over the next few weeks will be delivering over 600 boxes.These are going to many of the remote villages and poorer areas.

Tomorrow we are visiting the day centre for children with special needs. It is their Christmas celebration, a bit early in the month but all schools are finishing a week early and for economical reasons all teachers will be on unpaid leave for the week.

Please pray for baby Maria, she is 19 months old and due to have an 7 hour heart operation on Friday. The op has been delayed many times as they needed the right surgeon to be available and also for Maria to be bigger and stonger. The op will take place in Iasi hosptial 2 1/2 hours drive from here. Brindusa her mother is with her and though medical care is good, the hospital has no heating and no food. Please keep them both in your prayers, Brindusa is trusting in the Lord and very thankful for all your prayers.

Thanks for your interest, prayers and support, Noapte Buna from Dorohoi

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