Sunday, March 21, 2010

11 sleeps and counting

Just had a busy week, spoken to youth group on Monday night, 2 home groups and then at church this morning. It is such encouragement to know we have folks supporting us both in prayer and practically. It has been great to have the time at home with our family and know it is going to be hard to say good bye but know we will get a warm welcome from all our friends and the families we help back in Dorohoi.

The bags and boxes are already gathering and soon it will be time to see how much we can fit into the Pajero on this run. I think it was around 600kilos last time and that was with 3 of us in the car. Only the 2 of us this time, so lots of room for aid (clothes, stationary, toiletries, medicines, toys, pushchairs) ,and a few treats for us & fellow mission workers.

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