Sunday, May 16, 2010

I killed it

It has been another busy week here in Dorohoi.
it was my birthday on Thursday and lovely to have cards in the post box and even a package delivered by the post lady. We had a "No alarm clock" morning, spent the afternoon with the families at Cobila, sharing the celebration of juice, fruit and biscuits with one of the boys who was 9 on the same day.

No two days the same. it was great to see the shoots appearing in the garden and on the fields at Cobila. the families had been busy while we were away and potatoes, corn, onions and beans had been planted. The weather is warming up and we have had heavy rain and thunder storms over past few days. hoping the colarado beetles are kept at bay this year and I am already on the watch for mole crickets, which are gruesome creatures about 3 inches long. I saw one when i was weeding the other day and shrieked, Chris realised what it might be and went to get the camera. But I am afraid he was too late!

We pray we will get good crops as we know the extra produce will be needed. it is so hard here for so many people, pensions are being cut by 15% & family allowances by 35%. food & fuel prices are going up, health care more expensive and unemployment higher. Can you imagine if your child attends school but because you cannot afford the school tie (£2) they are marked as absent, which affects their end of year results.
The financial struggles put such a strain on so many relationships.

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