Monday, June 21, 2010

Bobby went to Dorohoi

last year we had our female dog spayed, but not before she managed to have a litter of puppies, we kept one but decided to help keep down the dog population of Romania we would have him neutered. So on Thursday Bobby had his first ride in the car, we decided to put him in the back and Chris sat in the boot with him and a 20kilo gas bottle that we were taking into town to get refilled for one of the Cobila families.
when we arrived the vet came out to the car, checked him over and gave a sedative injection asking us to wait for 20 minutes for it to take affect. While we waited a man came into the yard with his sick horse which the vet examined. Chris in the meantime had taken out the modelling balloons and was making animal shapes for the vets son. I think the horse was either very sick or deaf! As it did not bolt when one of the balloons popped, which was a very good job as the vet was taking its temperature at the time.
Anyway the Bobby was eventually (after a 2nd injection) drowsy enough to be taken into the operating room, and I stayed with him while they did the operation, he was then carried back out to the car and we took him home to wake up. He seems fine and we hope he enjoys his 2nd ride in the car next week to have the wires taken out!

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