Tuesday, September 7, 2010

From Marcioneta

From Marcioneta
I have only lived at Cobila since May, It was a bit of a scary ride in the back of the infamous Pajero, still they did not seem too upset about the mess they had to clear up!
I was a birthday present to Ruth and a welcome supplier of milk for the children in the Hands of Hope houses. I was sorry to leave my family and flock in Varfu, but soon settled in here and enjoyed the petting from the children and my daily treat of a slice or two of bread from Ruth.
It has been a strange summer, glorious at first with lots of activity here, a new house being built and everyone working together to farm the land. The storms and floods at the end of June were scary and I was very thankful that my barn is at the back and away from all the water. The chicks that many of the hens had at that time were not so fortunate. The families were devastated and frightened when they had to be evacuated but all worked together and helped get things dried out once the water had subsided.
The children seemed to enjoy having the bikes out on the field and spending time in the play room. Having extra activities certainly seemed to give their parents a welcome break and helped the 3 month long school holiday pass. Yesterday it was lovely to see them all with their school bags ready for school. Later Florentina & Ruth spent time sorting clothes and shoes to help kit them out with what they needed for school.
I do feel that I have been demoted rather since the arrival of THE COW which was named Speranţă (Hope). I know she can supply much more milk than me but don’t they realise how much she is going to eat! I hope she does not eat all the corn which I was glad to see being gathered from the fields on Monday. Though as the women walked past me I overheard them saying it was a much smaller harvest than last year due to the floods and long spell of wet weather.
This morning it is wet and a lot cooler, abnormally so for this time of year. When Vascilica came to feed and milk me this morning he gently told me they were sending me away today! I am off to see my family at Varfu for a couple of months and they seem hopeful that in March I will be having a kid and so able to give more milk for the children.
Oh No! that is going to mean another ride in the Pajero better cross my legs

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