Monday, November 29, 2010

Bizarre weather

How bizarre to be in Dorohoi in November and hear that on the Isle of Man roads are shut, airport & schools closed due to heavy snow and ice. Maximum was 9C here today, with fog and damp weather, so we are contending with mud rather than snow.
But we know cold weather is on the way and for many here it will not be just a point of staying in and turning the central heating up a notch. For those who can afford it maybe it just mean going outside for extra wood, but others will resort to burning anything they can find as they have been unable to afford firewood. They cannot even go into the forest and gather fallen branches without a licence.
Wednesday is a public holiday to celebrate the National day of Romania, the children will be off school and we plan to have games and Christmas craft activites for them in our resource room at Cobila.
I know the children will love using all the lovely craft materials which we were able to bring with us. Thanks to all who donated items and funds.

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