Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year

Blog writing has been slack recently. We enjoyed being home with our family on the Isle of Man over Christmas and then seeing Chris's family in Dorset. Then I had a suprise 4 days in Majorca, accompaning Chris on a business trip to Palma. Chris was busy every day but i did enjoy a little time off and enjoyed the sunshine and 17C temperature.
We had a really warm welcome back in Dorohoi from our friends and the families at Cobila. When we arrived back last weekend the snow from before Christmas had almost all melted and the ground was waterlogged, the well at Cobila tainted with surface water. The salvage pump was put to good use to pump out the well and now it is running clear again.
It has been a busy week catching up with families and also planning for the year ahead.

Tomorrow we will have all the children in the resource room for an activity afternoon and as they have an extra day off on Monday I expect we will be there then too.
Today was a day of paper work and the rounds of various offices to pay annual taxes . Nothing as easy as on line payments. Between us 7 different offices/banks today to queue in.
We pay an annual amount to have a parking space (see picture) at the back of our apartment block. So when I paid the apartment tax for rubbish collection I asked if I should pay the parking fee in the office along the corridor-as i had last year. No said the lady that office has moved to the other side of town, go there and get a ticket to say you want to renew your parking permit, then bring it back here to me and pay the amount. THEN take the receipt back across town and leave it with them, THEN go back next week to collect your parking permit! Its one way to get excercise.
The Pajero had another puncture this week, this time a screw through the tyre (bolt and nail on previous occasions). thankfully Chris was able to get it repaired with a patch for £2.50.

Snow again today and more snow and cold weather forecast for next week. This time last year it was -25C. Hope we dont see it that cold this year.

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