Friday, June 3, 2011

Ziua Copilului &......Children's Day &........

Hi friends or anyone who reads this blog, and if you do read this and find it interesting please let me know, get in touch if you want more info or have word of encouragement for us.Well what have we been doing over the past couple of weeks, since the building team left?

June 1st is a National Day for children in Romania (Ziua Copilului) and in the afternoon we spent a few hours with the children at Cobila. It was 28C that afternoon and the special treat of an icecream was very welcome, we had also made up a gift bag for each child containing, a new toy and T-shirt, crisps, biscuits and other treats.

Work on the house has continued, though at slightly slower pace as work on the land took priority. In the new build house the soba (traditional wood burning stove which is used to cook on and heat house) has been built. External rendering, electrics, fencing, internal plastering and painting still to be completed.

Prayers were answered and we have had a couple of days of good rain, which was very welcome as having had to water trees and crops, the well at the back of the land at Cobila was getting very low. Last week the ladies from the families all worked together and spent nearly 2 days weeding the field, in perfect timing it rained the next day and the corn and other crops are looking much better and we pray for a good crops for the families here. We bought certified seed this year which we hope will give higher yield and better quality corn.
In the garden we have already enjoyed spring onions and radishes and salad. Tomatoes, aubergines, castroveti, peppers, spinach, beans, peas, onions, potatoes, courgettes, pumpkins all well on the way.

The New Well, we eventually sourced a hand pump which should be delivered on Monday and will be fitted to the new well. We have been waiting a few weeks to get this well dug and have now asked another company. They came promptly to deliver some of the tubes, but will have to wait for land to dry little before the heavy machine can be brought on site to dig the well.

The school year ends soon & then a 3 month vacation! BUT before that end of year excursions and parties which each parent has to pay for or the children cannot attend (as i am sure you can understand many parents here can barely afford food). Another compulsory expense at the moment are final exams for older students.

The financial crisis is hitting hard here, with those lucky enough to have a salary having wages cut, social allowances are also reduced and food and utility prices are escalating.
Thank you for all prayers and support which enable work here to proceed.

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