Saturday, July 30, 2011

Blog update at last

Is it a roundabout or traffic island?
This has been on my "to do" list for far too long. Since June Dorohoi has changed! The road outside our apartment is finished, we now have a block paved dual carriageway instead of the dust filled potholes with a few patches of road in between. "Is it an improvement?", On the plus side, we do have far less dust floating up into our 4th floor windows, it's smoother to drive up. Negatives,few people stick to the 50km an hour speed limit, which makes using any of the 10 pedestrian crossings in the 0.6km between our block and the supermarket interesting,and will it survive the snow and cold winters, only time will tell.
Yes the grey car is going up the wrong side of the road
From our apartment windows we had a birds eye view of the work as it progressed with many near accidents as drivers were confused by the lane changes.

Work continues for Hands of Hope, houses built and renovated, families supported, aid distributed, new well dug, crops sown and tendered, hay cut and gathered in the latest newsletter is on the web site

Thank you to everyone who supports the work and Please get in touch if you are able to help with fund raising or want further information, contact details are on the website

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