Saturday, October 15, 2011

October 15th and it is snowing

It is a joy to hear from friends in the Isle of Man and UK when we are in Romania, and often a real boost to us. The same works when we are back on the island. Not a day goes past without some contact from Romania. This past week a number of friends have been able to visit Cosmin in hospital in Iasi and let us know how he is getting on. We also have messages from the community at Cobila and our friends in Dorohoi.

Our friend Pastor Liviu had also been to visit families we know and report back that they are all struggling to buy food and firewood, some families we know have had electricity supplies cut off because they cannot afford the bills.

Last week I said the temperatures were dropping in Romania and the first snow had fallen on the mountains. This morning I heard that it is snowing in our area and in Dorohoi tonight it is forecast to be -1C. I know many folks on the island are trying to economise and like us not turn on the central heating yet. In Romania the winters are longer and much colder, and many families we know struggle to afford fuel. It is hard enough for the families in the well-insulated Hands of Hope houses, but even harder for people who are still living in old mud brick houses or some of the recently built social houses which have no insulation. Last year in April when we drove back across the Romanian mountains the snow was still thick and in Dorohoi the first signs of spring were only just beginning to show.

Last year we were able to help some of the poorest families with loads of fire wood which cost £20-£30 for a months supply.

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