Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Food Parcels

Babies born with low birth weight or in very poor familes often are not thriving at home. the babies can then spend time in the baby hospital to build them up. Each year Hands of Hope supports families for up to a year after they have gone home with a monthly parcel of food and cleaning products. The parcels are not just giving extra nutrition to the very poor, but are also an opportunity to offer counselling & advice on health and parenting concerns. Some families come to collect the parcels but for others in outlying villages this is just not possible especially in the winter. Yesterday Chris and I went with 2 of the social workers to deliver parcels to 5 families. We covered 103miles and as you can see from the photos we had a lot of snow. The Pajero was brilliant and got us much closer to the homes than the car the girls normally have to use for deliveries. Each family was just living in one room and in very harsh conditions.

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