Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Snow & Frozen veg

It is chilly out this am, -9C and snowing. The local roadsweepers were out and about, but facing an uphill struggle. Chris cleared our apartment steps of about 3 inches of snow this morning but when we came back it was just as bad. Earlier this morning, Chris went down to the market to get some veg so I could make a casserole but the market was almost bare. He came back with a few hard frozen carrots, parsnips and onions. It is interesting to chop frozen onions! Casserole cooked and we took it to one of the families we help, a mum with 7 children, the youngest was born by caesarian in November 1.2kg. He is home now but very tiny and mum works hard looking after children etc. I was glad we remembered to get some water from the well while we were out. We use if for hot drinks and cooking with in the apartment as the tap water here is not good.

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