Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sharing lives & Sowing seeds

Another week has flown past and each day is so different. Chris has been busy supervising the laying of the foundations for 3 charity houses, and that alone brings a new challenge each day. ?
will the delivery lorry reverse too far down the drive and get stuck in the mud AGAIN!
Apart from today we have been blessed with dry weather, one foundation finished & other 2 should be done in next couple of days.
On Sunday it was wonderful to be back with our friends at Varfu church. Mum and 3 children from one of the HoH houses asked if they could come with us and the children enjoyed Sunday school & want to come back again next week. In the afternoon we took Mum & Dad from one of the families to Botosani so they could visit their 6 month old baby in hospital. Not practical for mum with 6 other children at home to stay at the hospital-even if it was allowed. We were only able to visit for 15 minutes.
Yesterday it was a lovely sunny day so Florentina and I were busy in the garden. Lots of seeds planted and the rest of the garden prepared, I think the Romania "sapa" or Hoe is fantastic and is thinking of bringing one back for Heidi's allotment on the Isle of Man.
This morning I took the grandmother from one of our families to the Dr and then the hospital for tests, an interesting experience especially listening to the conversations of others in the waiting rooms and what they thought of the service and costs.
This afternoon we had to take some offical papers to Botosani, the road is getting worse each day, pot holes galore and driving into Botosani itself the lorry route is fractionally smoother than the main road. It is quite the norm for cars to drive on which ever side of the road is smoother, darting back to their own side if there is oncoming traffic.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Busy in Dorohoi

Amazing that we have only been back for a week. chris & I have been busy and yesterday foundations were started for 3 more homes, at least one will be completed this year. we have enjoyed unpacking and distibuting aid and catching up with friends and the families that we help.

It is lovely to have warmer weather after the hard winter. the hill at the back of the houses is a mass of beautiful wild flowers, mainly cowslips. We hope to be planting veg (tomatoes, courgette, beans, radish, onions, spinach, salad, herbs, potaoes, sweet corn, maize etc in the next few weeks). The families work together to grow the crops and then it is shared between them. Each family is also busy preparing the plots around their homes for cultivation.

It is great to have time to play with the children and on Saturday we had 16 aged from 1 to 13 in the resource room. In the afternoons the children have been riding the bikes on the field & it is lovely to see them out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Monday, April 5, 2010

in Dorohoi

Had a smooth drive across Europe, good weather, no hold ups and very little traffic.
8 hour drive today across Romania from Satu Mare to Dorohoi, pot holes in their 1000's but glorious scenery. Now busy unpacking:-)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Heading East & Easter greetings

Enjoyed time with my brother in law in Birkenhead and left there 18.40 Friday evening. Got to Dover in record time and on an earlier ferry, leaving Dover at 2am. Had a smooth drive today with good weather and light traffic. So after 17 hours of travelling we are relieved to be at hotel East of Frankfurt and have a good rest before we set off again tomorrow, aiming to get to the Romanian border. May the Lord Bless you this Easter.