Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sharing lives & Sowing seeds

Another week has flown past and each day is so different. Chris has been busy supervising the laying of the foundations for 3 charity houses, and that alone brings a new challenge each day. ?
will the delivery lorry reverse too far down the drive and get stuck in the mud AGAIN!
Apart from today we have been blessed with dry weather, one foundation finished & other 2 should be done in next couple of days.
On Sunday it was wonderful to be back with our friends at Varfu church. Mum and 3 children from one of the HoH houses asked if they could come with us and the children enjoyed Sunday school & want to come back again next week. In the afternoon we took Mum & Dad from one of the families to Botosani so they could visit their 6 month old baby in hospital. Not practical for mum with 6 other children at home to stay at the hospital-even if it was allowed. We were only able to visit for 15 minutes.
Yesterday it was a lovely sunny day so Florentina and I were busy in the garden. Lots of seeds planted and the rest of the garden prepared, I think the Romania "sapa" or Hoe is fantastic and is thinking of bringing one back for Heidi's allotment on the Isle of Man.
This morning I took the grandmother from one of our families to the Dr and then the hospital for tests, an interesting experience especially listening to the conversations of others in the waiting rooms and what they thought of the service and costs.
This afternoon we had to take some offical papers to Botosani, the road is getting worse each day, pot holes galore and driving into Botosani itself the lorry route is fractionally smoother than the main road. It is quite the norm for cars to drive on which ever side of the road is smoother, darting back to their own side if there is oncoming traffic.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely would love a sapa for the allotment... your plot is looking in much better shape than ours!! missing you lots... se you soon xxx
