Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Busy in Dorohoi

Amazing that we have only been back for a week. chris & I have been busy and yesterday foundations were started for 3 more homes, at least one will be completed this year. we have enjoyed unpacking and distibuting aid and catching up with friends and the families that we help.

It is lovely to have warmer weather after the hard winter. the hill at the back of the houses is a mass of beautiful wild flowers, mainly cowslips. We hope to be planting veg (tomatoes, courgette, beans, radish, onions, spinach, salad, herbs, potaoes, sweet corn, maize etc in the next few weeks). The families work together to grow the crops and then it is shared between them. Each family is also busy preparing the plots around their homes for cultivation.

It is great to have time to play with the children and on Saturday we had 16 aged from 1 to 13 in the resource room. In the afternoons the children have been riding the bikes on the field & it is lovely to see them out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

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