Sunday, July 4, 2010

Floods in Dorohoi

We had a good drive back across Romania on Tuesday. As we got closer to Dorohoi we began to see the affects of the floods. Bridges damages, huge areas along side the Siret river flooded, many homes damaged and crops destroyed. On Monday night the familes at Cobila had been evacutated by boat, but as the waters subsided on tuesday they had gone home to inspect damaged and start to clean up. we stopped there on our way home as as we arrived another thunderstorm and more torrential rain. we had congregated in our old cottage behind the Hands of Hope homes, slightly elevated and not damaged. The water levels started to rise again and it was decided that the mums and children should move out and stay with us in our apartment in town and the men stayed in our cottage. We were so pleased that the power and water were back on in our apartment and we could let them all have a hot bath and find dry and clean clothes.
The flood waters had reached up to window height in some of the houses, chickens drowned and crops damaged.

Dorohoi town also had areas of devastation with 6 people drowned, one of those was the 15 year old son of a familiy we had built a home for in 2008.

On Wednesday & Thursday Chris and I were busy working along with many other charities who operate in Dorohoi to distribute food, water and dry clothes. i have also had our washing machine on the go washing clothes which were soaked by the flood waters. The clean up continues and repairs will have to be made to some of the floors and doors in the houses.

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