Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rain Rain and more Rain

The clean up after the floods continues and is hampered by further thunderstorms and heavy rain. In Dorohoi houses which were beyond repair have already been demolished as they were unsafe. People have been given emergancy accomodation in container size cabins which have been put in another area of town. Many are still in shock and coming to terms with all they have lost-family, friends, homes, outbuildings, fences, possesions, livestock, businesses & crops. Aid is being distibuted in the form of food & clothing by many different agencies. But we know the hardest times are yet to come. the knock on affect of loss of jobs from businesses which cannot recover, poor crops so less food to feed the animals or familes over the winter. All that in an ecomomy where many are already unemployed and being stretched by increases in prices, (VAT up by 5% this month) and reductions in pensions and allowances.
This afternoon the sun came out for a while and the children at Cobila came up to play at the cottage. It was lovely to spend some time with them and I know it gave the parents time to do some clearing up. One of the families had been busy all day helping their mother clear out her house which is across the road from the Cobila Hands of Hope houses.

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